Online training: "Changes in spatial planning and their impact on the division of property before and after 1.01.2026”, November 14, 2023

Publication date: 20.10.2023 / Event date: 14.11.2023

Training Center for Surveyors and Cartographers of the Association of Polish Surveyors together with the Association of Polish Surveyors branch in Suwalki invite you to study:

"Changes in spatial planning and their impact on the distribution of real estate before and after 1.01.2026”

Dr. eng. Lyudmila Petrzhak
Editor-in-chief of Geodesic Review, surveyor, entrepreneur, planner, real estate appraiser, land classifier.
Has professional credentials 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.

November 14, 2023, 9.00-14.00

Platforma Zoom Meeting,


230 PLN. from an SGP member who has dues paid.

280 PLN. from any other person involved in the training.

Employees of public authorities and local self-government bodies, if they are members of the SRS and have paid dues - 230 PLN.


Account holder's name: Association of Polish Surveyors branch in Suwalki

Account number: 84 1140 0026 0000 3522 2900 1016  (mBank CompanyNet)

With a note: "training 14.11.2023" and the last and first name of the participant

Please send us your applications until November 13, 2023..




More information is available in the apps below:

Invitation and Program (pdf) >>>

Participation card (pdf) >>>

Participation card (doc) >>>


Note: You can also make a request and pay via the following forms.






per person / per person for SGP members who are currently paying dues

    Conference participant details

    Training/Conference Bill Details

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    After you have completed the registration form and submitted it, make the payment: